
  1. Squadra Indice
Royale Union Saint Gilloise (RUSG)
Football Association Belgium Football Association
Web site http://www.rusg.be/ Calcio Royale Union Saint Gilloise (RUSG)
Views 1863
Club di rating 0

Altri talenti dal Royale Union Saint Gilloise (RUSG)
Jasper Adams  |  Reda Akbib  |  Mamadou Thiérno Barry  |  Viktor Luc Boone  |  Sofiane Boufal  |  Christian Albert Elliot Burgess  |  Almamy Sény Camara  |  Alessio Daniel Castro Montes  |  Sada Diallo  |  Arnaud Pierre Dony  |  Adam El Marabet  |  Guillaume François  |  Mohammed Gadafi Fuseini  |  Joachim Lasse Imbrechts  |  Franjo Ivanović  |  Chahid Jaghou  |  Berkay Karaçor  |  Thibe Lambertin  |  Loïc André Terry Lapoussin  |  Zacarias Antonio Longo  |  Koki Machida  |  Cristian Makaté Bokoya  |  Anthony Christian Moris  |  Antony Brady Ngaping Dipeua  |  Lucas Frédéric Pirard  |  Cameron Mitchel Puertas Castro  |  Kévín José Rodríguez Cortez  |  Noah Junior Sadiki  |  Ross James Sykes  |  Nathan T'shibasu M'fuadi  |  Hamza Tabich  |  Henok Teklab  |  Halim Timassi  |  Raphael Ronald Van Steenwinckel  |  Ilyés Ziani

The following Players are on loan Royale Union Saint Gilloise (RUSG)

The following Players are sent on loan Royale Union Saint Gilloise (RUSG)
Jean Thiérry Lazare Amani  |  Dennis Yerai Eckert Ayensa  |  Casper Mikael Terho
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